Rubin (“ruby”) glows and captivates with rich, lustrous elegance. The stellar versatility of this amazing pointe shoe has given Rubin unsurpassed ...More
Rubin (“ruby”) glows and captivates with rich, lustrous elegance. ...
Let Muse be your inspiration for gorgeous pointework and delicious comfort. Russian Pointe’s roomiest pointe shoe, Muse features the pliable shanks,...More
Let Muse be your inspiration for gorgeous pointework and delicious com...
Working from the versatility and unsurpassed popularity of Rubin, comes the next generation – Rubin Radiance. Made on the original Rubin last with t...More
Working from the versatility and unsurpassed popularity of Rubin, come...
Keep moving while you support and treat your moving parts! Kinesiology tape, a cutting-edge technique for relieving pain while providing support, can ...More
Keep moving while you support and treat your moving parts! Kinesiology...
Stay in style while exercising your feet, limbs and core with this set of RP Exercise Bands in three strengths. Each band is 47 inches long and 6 inch...More
Stay in style while exercising your feet, limbs and core with this set...